Monday, April 12, 2010


Welcome, Welcome

Can't believe your here... I guess you are interested in this never dull life of mine. Or you came for the crafty stuff and the stuff I love. Which ever it may be welcome. Ok that was super cheesy.. so here is the low down on me and mainly why my life is never dull; I am the mother to 2 wonderful ever lasting gob stoppers ... the twins Brooke and Riley (7) and the never ever ending jaw breaker Lindsay LuLu (5). You may ask yourself why did she refer to her children as gob stoppers and a jaw breaker.. this is because I am for every destine to be stuck in the Willy Wonky land of craziness. It seems as though around every corner there will be some magical thing happening in my life. Be it fuzzy pop's or lick able wall paper this is how my life goes. Now don't get me wrong I am not unhappy about this at all.. it's just the best way to describe some of the madness I go through on a day to day bases. I am also the mommy to 2 very old dogs and one Super Service dog with magical powers also... he belongs to my son Riley (the super hero) who is living with and in the magical world of Autism. I love my sons world and visit it daily. I also have this Super Hero husband that manages to tolerate all this craziness and still come out with a smile everyday; he is Norman, my true love.
I do all kinds of jobs ... really anything that proposes a challenge of any sort or makes me enough money to keep up my habits of which I have many. Quilting, Sewing, scrapping, card making or anything I can make out of paper. If it is crafty I will try it at least once ( after I buy all the items you will every want or need; little to say I have alot of crafty stuff) I will blog about crafty stuff here as well as all the things I come across that I love. I hope you stick around and feel free to poke fun ... enjoy !

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